Need female support? Join us!
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On October 4, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM at Kwitnący Dom in Warsaw, a unique event will take place – “Day of Goodness (for) Women.” This initiative is aimed at women from various backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures who are seeking support, understanding, and inspiration or simply need to spend time together to build their femininity and value.
📍 Location: Kwitnący Dom, 14 Kwitnąca Street, Warsaw
🕦 Hours: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (you confirm the exact arrival time yourself).
🎁 Each qualified participant will receive a gift from us! We will be distributing hair, face, and body cosmetics, hygiene products, and other small gifts.
🎀 Event Program
On this day, participants will engage in workshops and thematic sessions addressing daily life, personal development, and coping with challenges, with a particular focus on Women’s Empowerment. The program includes art therapy, support groups, therapeutic games, hand massages, lingerie repair workshops, and visits to our social secondhand store with a stylist.
For those needing relaxation, a relaxation zone will be set up with sweets, coffee, tea, and music, as well as yoga and relaxation exercises to help reduce daily tension.
🤱 What about the child?
Nothing, come together! Being a mom is an integral part of your femininity, and we are happy to welcome you along with your little one or older child. We have drinks, sweets, toys, and activities for children of various ages.
♀ All women who need support, inspiration, and space for development are welcome to participate in the “Days of Goodness (for) Women” event organized by Kwitnący Dom on October 4, 2024.
In particular, the event is aimed at:
♀✨ Women with migration experience – who have left their countries, regardless of the reasons. Let’s integrate, adapt, and build our belonging here where we are today!
♀✨ Women with refugee experience – let’s support each other, share experiences, and practice self-help!
♀✨ Women in difficult life situations – regardless of the reasons, these may be women facing economic challenges, instability, social exclusion, or loneliness. Let’s help and be together!
♀✨ Every woman who feels she needs emotional support – regardless of age, background, or life situation. If you feel you need a place where you will be understood, listened to, and appreciated, or where you can simply BE, the Days of Goodness are for you.
There are no age or formal restrictions; all you need to feel is that you need us and have a desire to participate. Come when you want, use what you want – we are here for you!
✨ Want to come? Register using the multilingual form below!
In case of more applications than available spots (200), we will select based on the provided answers. Priority will be given to women with refugee and migration experience who are pregnant or have young children, as well as those who have been in Poland for the shortest time or are in a difficult life situation.

Wydarzenie organizowane dzięki wsparciu Pani Kamili i jej grupy wspaniałych wolontariuszy z Banku Gospodarstwa Krajowego. 
Żywnościowa pomoc socjalna jest możliwa także dzięki innym działaniom!
Warzywa i owoce pochodzą między innymi z akcji „Nie marnuj! Podziel się”, w której uczestniczymy dzięki Bankowi Żywności SOS w Warszawie, a projekt jest finansowany ze środków Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy.
Wiele wsparcia, a w szczególności operacyjne możliwości odbioru żywności są realizowane dzięki z akcji „Dla wspólnego dobra: minimalizowanie marnowania i wspieranie integracji poprzez dzielenie się żywnością”, która jest finansowana ze środków dotacji Tajwańskiego Funduszu Grantowego przyznawanego przez Unia Metropolii Polskich im. Pawła Adamowicza.
Харчова соціальна допомога можлива також завдяки іншим заходам!
Овочі та фрукти надходять, серед іншого, з кампанії „Не марнуй! Поділися!”, в якій приймаємо участь завдяки Банку Живності SOS у Варшаві, а проект фінансується Столицею Варшавою.
Завдяки кампанії надається велика підтримка, зокрема оперативні можливості збору їжі „Для спільного добра: мінімалізація марнування і підтримка інтеграції через ”, який фінансується за рахунок гранту Тайванського грантового фонду, наданого Unia Metropolii Polskich im. Pawła Adamowicza.