Kwitnąca 14, 01-926 Warszawa (paczkomat: WAW715M)
+48 796 401 236 (PL / UA / ENG)

Rules and regulations for the acceptance of donations by the Kwitnący Dom

General provisions
§ 1. 1 The Blooming House project may accept donations from individuals and legal entities. 2.

(2) Donations are allocated in full to the support activities of the Blooming House.

(3) The donor may indicate the specific purpose of the donation; however, this purpose may not be discriminatory to persons benefiting from the Flowering House assistance.

(4) The Donor may, at the time of making the donation, request detailed information on the use of the donation made by the Donor. This information will be provided to the Donor immediately after the donation has been used.

(5) Donations to the House may be made in the form of contributions of funds donations in kind or donations of services.

(6) All contributions and donations in kind and donations of services are voluntary and constitute a donation within the meaning of Article 888 et seq. of the Civil Code.

(7) Donations made are non-refundable.

(8) the House reserves the right not to accept or return a donation if its subject is not useful to the Project’s activities or discriminates against the Project’s charges.

    Cash donations

    § 2. 1. Donations in the form of cash can be made to the bank account of the Blooming Home Project.

    (2) For payments in Polish zloty the Foundation’s sub-account has the following number: 25 2130 0004 2001 0374 4232 0014 (Volkswagen Bank Direct).

    (3) for contributions in a currency other than Polish zloty, to the following account numbers: ING bank, writing the title of the transfer “Kwitnący Dom”.

      currency USD IBAN PL741050121000009030826342
      currency EUR IBAN: PL211050121000009030826326

      (4) If a payment is made without a transfer title, the payment may be refunded or earmarked for the purposes of the House.

      (5) Cash contributions may also be made in cash to or with the knowledge of the House Coordinator. In this case, a written receipt is issued to the Donor.

      Donations in kind

      § 3. 1. The Coordinator is authorised to accept donations in kind.

      (2) Donations in kind may also be accepted by persons designated by the Coordinator.

      § 4. 1. The intention to make an in-kind donation to the House must be notified in writing, including by email, through other electronic means of communication, including social media or in person.

      (2) The donor is obliged to state the value of the donated items. If the donor does not specify the value, it will be determined by the person entitled to receive the donation.

      (3) The date and place of the transfer of the donation, as well as the terms and conditions of transport, will be determined in each case between the House and the Donor.

      § 5. The transfer of the donation should be acknowledged by concluding a donation agreement between the House and the Donor.

      Donations of services

      § 6. 1. The provisions of § 3 to § 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the making of a donation of services to the Home.

      (2) Prior to accepting a donation of services, the House may require the Donor to prove that they have the appropriate entitlements, qualifications or technical resources, if universally applicable laws impose the obligation to have such.

      (3) The donor of the service is obliged to perform the service with the utmost care, in accordance with accepted norms or standards.

      Final provisions

      § (7) The donation agreement may be oral, unless otherwise provided by generally applicable law.

      (2) At the request of the House or the Donor, the agreement may be in writing.

      (3) In the event that the Donor wishes to remain anonymous, a donation acceptance protocol is drawn up.

      § 8. Information on the protection of the Donors’ personal data is made public in other documents of the House.

      § 9. 1. A framework model of a donation agreement is introduced as set out in Appendix 1 to these Rules. The donor may submit their own draft agreement.

      (2) a framework model of the donation acceptance protocol as set out in Appendix No. 2 is introduced

        Information clause on the processing of personal data, donors
        The processing of the personal data provided is carried out in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of personal data of 27 April 2016. (RODO). Accordingly, the following is provided as follows:

        The administrator of the personal data is Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń ul. Nowy Świat 23/25 lok. 32, 00-029 Warsaw, NIP: 521-33-93-0032 on behalf of which acts the Project Plenipotentiary Anna Urszula Kłos. The Administrator has not appointed a Data Protection Officer;

        The processing of personal data takes place on the basis of Article 6(1)(b), (c) , f) solely for the purpose of the Administrator’s performance of the contract concluded and to the extent necessary for its proper execution and possible control by authorised bodies and the protection of claims and protection against claims; The processing of financial data takes place within the framework of financial and accounting documentation on the basis of the relevant legal provisions.

        The recipients of the personal data are and will only be public authorities or entities to the extent that this is necessary to comply with the legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator, as well as entities processing the data on behalf of the Administrator.

        Personal data processed are not and will not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area, which consists of the States of the European Union and Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

        Personal data shall be processed for the duration of the concluded contract, for the duration of the warranty/guarantee from the contract (if applicable), and additionally for the period specified by law and the archival regulations applicable to the Administrator. Data contained in financial records for a period of 5 years in accordance with Article 74(1) of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994.

        Personal data shall not be subject to profiling and no automated decisions shall be taken with regard to these persons.

        The data subject has:
        On the basis of Article 15 RODO, the right of access to personal data;
        pursuant to Article 16 RODO the right to rectification of personal data;
        pursuant to Article 18 RODO the right to request the controller to restrict the processing of
        personal data subject to the cases referred to in Article 18(2) RODO;
        The right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the RODO;
        The data subject is not entitled to:
        in relation to Article 17(3)(b), (d) or (e) RODO the right to erasure of personal data;
        The right to data portability referred to in Article 20 of the RODO;
        pursuant to Article 21 RODO, the right to object to the processing of personal data, as the legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(c).
        Provision of personal data is voluntary; however, failure to provide data will prevent the conclusion of an agreement or the conduct of cooperation.


        AGREEMENT FOR THE DONATION OF CASH/PROPERTY/SERVICES-* concluded at (place) on (date)

        between the Donor (name, registered office, registration numbers), represented by: (designation of person authorised to represent), and
        Benefactor: Kwitnący Dom acting within the framework of the Foundation Inna Przestrzeń ul. Nowy Świat 23/25 lok. 32, 00-029 Warsaw, NIP: 521-33-93-003 represented by the Project Officer Anna Kłos.

        § 1
        The Donor transfers to the Benefactor a donation (in cash/ in kind/ in service-*) in the amount/value……….. PLN (in words: ………) earmarked for the Benefactor’s aid activities (alternatively, indicate a specific purpose within this activity), which is in accordance with the Benefactor’s goals.

        § 2
        The Benefactor declares that he accepts the donation and dedicates it to the purpose specified in § 1 of this agreement, within the framework of his activity.

        § 3
        The release of the object of the donation will take place (by bank transfer to the account no. …../by issuing an item/performing a service)-* within days from the date of signing this agreement.

        § 4
        The recipient (is/is not)-* obliged to provide the Donor with information on the detailed use of the donation.

        § 5
        Any amendments to this agreement must be made in writing to be valid, otherwise they shall be null and void.

        § 6
        The agreement has been drawn up in two counterparts, one for each party.

        ………………………………….. ……………………………


        -* select rest

        Annex 2 Protocol for acceptance of donations in cash/in kind/services (model)

        Protocol for acceptance of donations in cash/in kind/services
        Warsaw on…………………….. hours………………

        Identification of the person accepting the donation: ___

        in the presence of ___

        accepted for the benefit of Kwitnąca Dom w Warszawie, ul. Kwitnąca 14 from an individual reserving secrecy about his/her identity/refusing to disclose his/her identity

        a donation of money/goods/services (delete as appropriate)

        in the form of: …………………………… (describe the object of the donation)

        the value of which she has established at the amount of …………………………… PLN (in words: ………………………………………………………….)

        based on: (specify how the value of the donation was established, e.g. receipt, invoice, individual valuation) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

        This concludes and is signed.

