Kwitnąca 14, 01-926 Warszawa (paczkomat: WAW715M)
+48 796 401 236 (PL / UA / ENG)


Kwitnący Dom currently operates as a project of the Inna Przestrzeń Foundation created in cooperation with the Dobre Początki Foundation.

As such, we are bound by all the regulations and documents of the Foundation, which can be found at including the Foundation’s statute.

In addition, due to the specific nature of our activities, we have developed a number of documents dedicated to the Kwitnący Dom:

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Full Personal Data Protection Policy
  3. Rules and regulations for assistance to external beneficiaries
  4. Rules and regulations for accepting donations
  5. Information clause for donors and collaborators
  6. Information clause for visitors


  1. Volunteer regulations
  2. Information clause for volunteers
  3. Consent of parents/legal guardians for their child’s participation in volunteer work (ENG)
  4. Short safety instructions concerning storage and transport work and the list of prohibited work for minors (ENG)